Interflora Florist
We are an Interflora Florist of 49 years...
To place an order for within Australia through Interflora, simply order through our secure checkout, and select the $20 Interflora Delivery fee, and for overseas orders and other inquiries please call our team on 02 6686 3017.
Interflora is an online ordering system that connects florists worldwide, allowing us to take your order here in Ballina and send it all the way to France! Saving you the hassle of trying to find a French florist yourself.
The History of Interflora
"One of the nicest ways to express a personal message is to “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS”.
Almost one hundred years ago this expression of a message left the sender and their florist in relative hardship because of transportation difficulties. At this time, florists on differing sides of towns exchanged orders (at market) and made their financial settlement on a personal basis. Because of this, the relaying or exchanging of orders by wire began operating in Germany in 1908 and America as early as 1910.
The growth of relaying flower orders from one florist to another accelerated, but not to any great extent, until World War Two, when troops away from home added impetus to the sending of flowers by wire.
Upon the cessation of hostilities florists on both sides of the Atlantic recognised that a formal agreement would be necessary to develop the interest generated through the war years into a peace-time venture. Therefore on July 22nd 1946 representatives of America, Britain and Europe met in Copenhagen, Denmark to create Interflora Incorporated as its is known today. It is interesting to note that part of the original agreement stated … “for our respective associations we pledge to further its interests so that the world may be better served and the friendship of nations cemented through the medium of flowers”.
Flowers, hampers and gifts, virtually anywhere, anytime, for any occasion – guaranteed!
In our 100 years, we’ve managed to successfully build one of the world’s largest flower and gift relay companies. Interflora now serves nearly 200 countries and has some 70,000 members throughout the world, of which some 1,200 are in Australia.
Today Interflora is a world leader in developments in relay technology and floral marketing techniques. Its advanced computerised system can quickly and accurately transmit a floral order almost anywhere in the world, whether it’s to Broome in Western Australia or to Beijing in the People’s Republic of China.
Today the name Interflora is synonymous the world over with the language and sentiments that only flowers can express. A florist shop displaying the Mercury emblem is immediately identified with Interflora’s tremendous prestige and goodwill. Interflora is not only the leading floral relay brand – it is one of the world’s most recognised and trusted brands.
Orders are placed within Australia – or sent from Australia to anywhere in the world through Interflora’s Australian Headquarters in Melbourne. Interflora’s integrity is supported by the “Interflora Guarantee” which guarantees “the freshness, flower quality and value of each Interflora relay order”."